Why would your organisation invest in effective teams? The evidence is clear – highly effective teams across all sectors:
Are more effective
Are more productive
Are more innovative
Offer better customer service/enhance customer experience
Have a positive impact on team member wellbeing as well as safety (injuries and errors)
Enhance employee engagement
In healthcare settings, improve patient outcomes and reduce deaths
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”.
In an increasingly VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, are you interested in the value your organisation could gain from leadership teams which are:
Fulfilling their purpose?
Delivering on their strategy and goals?
Better connecting with each other to improve organisational effectiveness and their service to your customers and stakeholders?
Highly tuned in to their external world and their ever-shifting demands and context, so that they can be as agile as possible?
Transforming their collective leadership?
Delivering greater value?
If your answer is YES, then team coaching will deliver the best value. As your team coach, I will partner with the team leader and team over time to enable the team to enhance their ability to learn together, to work creatively with difference, to look to the future and to develop the capability to relate to the whole system in which they operate. This is systemic team coaching.

Like a river, the development work of the team will flow, and the team will learn to better notice how it operates “in the water” when dealing with here and now business issues. More importantly, they will develop their capacity and capability to get out of the water – to stand back, to look to the future, to notice and respond differently to changes in the system or to the ways in which they work together, and to tackle the biggest challenges they face.
Team coaching creates the right environment and provides a process whereby the team reflects and thinks better, has a better dialogue and improved decision-making, and raises its collective self-awareness. Thus, adding more value to the organisation and its stakeholders.
It's all connected!

The scope of the work with the commissioner, team leader and team.
Our mutual expectations, including roles, within the work.
The desired outcomes (& measures) as a result of the work.
Commitment to the work.
Inquiry around the team and its context/system:
Team assessment: Affina Team Performance Inventory (the team), TC 360 (stakeholders), 1-2-1 conversations (team, sponsors/commissioners, other stakeholders).
Review of key documents to inform understanding of your context.
Potential observation by team coach of team meetings
A minimum of 3 coached team sessions to :
Enhance psychological safety to enable the work and to equip the team for the future.
Collaboratively make sense of the inquiry data.
Raise awareness, learn and practise core team skills, stand back, have different conversations.
Tackle the team's most significant challenges.
Connect back to stakeholders and develop the dialogue with them.
PLUS: 1-2-1 coaching of team leader and all team members about how they "show up" in the team.
Continuous review of progress and results:
Final reassessment (ATPI & TC 360), and discussion of results and their meaning for the team and its development.
Assessment of outcomes - to what extent did the team achieve what it set out to achieve?
Celebrating success.
Priorities for future action.
Reviewing the team's collective learning.
Sustaining performance beyond the coaching.
Return on investment and impact on the system - achieving a positive ripple effect.
When will the team formally review again?
How will they involve other parts of the system?
Whilst the team coaching process FLOWS and will be tailored to the meet the specific needs of the team and its context, there is also some tried and tested structure around it. This is how our work with you might look:

It has been great working with you and thank you for helping, supporting and gracefully challenging us along the way.
It is much appreciated, and I think we have achieved a lot together”