Coaching supervision
Michele is a qualified and accredited coach supervisor.
What is coaching supervision?
"Supervision is an opportunity to bring someone back to their own mind, to show them how good they can be". Nancy Kline
"Supervision is a place where a living professional breathes and learns….supervision can be a very important part of taking care of oneself, staying open to new learning, and an indispensable part of the coach’s ongoing self-development, self-awareness and commitment to learning". Hawkins and Shohet
We offer one-to-one coaching supervision to coaches, and can also provide group supervision to internal coaches.
Contact us to discuss your supervision requirements and how we might work together.
Michele is an inspirational supervisor and helps me give my coaching clients the added value they deserve. Through her ability to listen deeply, reflect and offer alternative perspectives she supports me in my coaching practice. She is always present during supervision, never judgemental and I'd highly recommend her, she is definitely worth the investment.
Registered Coaching Psychologist
I’ve worked with a few supervisors and I really valued Michele’s ability to pinpoint the heart of dynamics in my work with my client, not let me off the hook in testing and exploring perspectives - she was attentive, curious, a great listener and incisive in getting to the nub of the issue. I felt I had had a healthy workout, gained insights and was able to find a clear route through the dilemmas I was encountering. What more can I say? Reach out and find out for yourself...
Alyse Ashton
Executive and Team Coach